Hormones are an important part of your inner body, and they direct your body through the bloodstream about your actions and instruct them to do the required actions. Female hormone replacement therapy can balance your hormones and make your body processes better. Your metabolism, mood swings, sexual function, and growth are affected by the hormonal imbalance in your body, and when they are well balanced, it can improve various aspects of your health and well-being. WHAT CAUSES HORMONAL IMBALANCE? Hormonal imbalance occurs with the change in women’s age, and due to this shift in hormones or no production of hormones can cause other changes in the body. This hormonal change is why the shortage of important hormones like progesterone and estrogen in the female body causing misfunctioning in females. WHY DO WOMEN NEED HORMONE REPLACEMENT? These hormonal imbalances or the shortage of hormones can affect many functions in the body and lead to mood swings. It mostly happens afte...